Sunday, January 25, 2009

For DIY brides

I can't believe it's already 2009! I haven't posted anything new in over 3 months! I've been so busy with my full-time corporate job (yes yes, a woman needs to pay her bills!) and the invitations business I started on the side last April (yay!), that I really haven't had a chance to sit down in front of the computer and just blab about the thing I love most -- weddings! Well, today, I'm compelled to post because I've discovered two amazing websites that I must share. The first site is It's a treasure trove for all those do-it-yourself brides who want to create their own, unique wedding decor! You'll find everything from ribbons, tulle, and silk to those tall, curly branches, glass vases, candles, crystals, and so much more. If you're thinking about creating your own reception centerpieces to save some money, this is a great place to start!

The second site is This cool site allows you to design your own postage stamps to personalize your wedding invitation envelopes. You can also custom design your own postcards -- a cute and modern twist to traditional save-the-date cards for your guests!

Both of these sites are so fun and they offer very affordable options for the creative DIY brides out there. Enjoy!