Monday, July 6, 2009

Apothecary Jars

Hi Ladies~ I'm back!!!!!!!!

It's been nearly two months since I've been on BlabberBride, and about a month since I returned from Italy. I fell head-over-heels in love with the country, particularly Tuscany and Florence, and definitely needed some time to unravel and unwind from the trip before I could get back to my ordinary life.

Many people have been so kind in sending me material for BlabberBride, nudging me to start blogging again. The stuff that I've received is pretty awesome... some really cool deals, new and funky ideas, and even personal stories and photos of your own weddings. Thank you, everyone!! I hope no one is too disappointed that I didn't actually use the material here. Please know that I used everything as inspiration!

I guess I just needed to find my own thing... and I think I've found it!! I don't know if you'll love it as much as me, but here goes...

Apothecary jars!!! Look how beautiful this table looks!!! The jars are holding rose heads, nests, and birch... it just feels so warm and cozy, but also very feminine and natural. It kind of reminds me of the countryside... maybe Tuscany!!?? I just love it. It would be perfect for a garden wedding, don't you think?

You could buy high-quality, preserved rose heads which would last much longer than fresh rose heads. I just think it's so pretty~ Click on the photo to enlarge and get a closer look.


JSong said...

yay! ur back! =D

amy said...

glad you're back!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Back at it again! Yay!